I always seem to need to add weekdays to a date and there doesn’t ever seem to be a solution so here’s mine. This creates a function in your MySQL database that you can use within a statement:
DELIMITER $$ DROP function if exists addWeekDays; CREATE FUNCTION addWeekDays(startDate DATE, weekdays INT) RETURNS DATE BEGIN WHILE weekdays > 0 DO BEGIN SET startDate = DATE_ADD(startDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY); IF (DAYNAME(startDate) = 'Saturday') THEN SET startDate = DATE_ADD(startDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY); END IF; IF (DAYNAME(startDate) = 'Sunday') THEN SET startDate = DATE_ADD(startDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY); END IF; SET weekdays=weekdays-1; END; END WHILE; RETURN startDate; END;$$ DELIMITER ;
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_date = addWeekDays(DATE(NOW()), 3);